Salient Thought
for the Day
Can God accept the worship of those who do not have loving-kindness in their hearts?
to Memorize
Beauty in the rose draws my heart.
Beauty of dawn exalts my soul.
Stillness of the night fills me with wonder.
Beauty of face and beauty of sight
Awaken in my soul love and ever greater love.
When we find others harsh and irritating, it is because we have those feelings in ourselves. When there is only love and gentleness in our hearts, the harshness of others does not touch us. Unselfishness is a very real thing, but it is something that cannot be defined. We lift ourselves to a higher point and become unselfish when we serve God and His children with true consecration and devotion. When the light of love shines in our hearts, it charges us with power to do the right act and speak the right word. Our work and our worship become acceptable to God.
Lord, take from me all harshness and unkindness.
Release me from all that binds me to my little self.
Help me to love and serve truly all Your children.
May I always extend a helping hand to all those in need,
And never turn away from any living creature.